
We are in need of dedicated volunteers of all ages and abilities from all sectors of the community. Without the help of our volunteers, we would not be able to achieve our goals. Your time and skills are needed to help us help the people. Please do get in touch and help us serve those in need. 


Just Giving

Scan the above link to use Just giving to donate to us.


Scan the above link to Use Paypal to donate to us.

Every donation big or small will help us get closer to our goal of eradicating the demand for food banks in the UK, and this wouldn't be possible without your help. 

Give Food Donations

All our food is 100% halal and  donated food is used to help those in need.

Make Regular Donations

All donations given are used to provide foods and toiletries to those in need. 

Loveinaboxoutreach CIC 
Account Nr 67294930 
Sort Code 08-92-99

Make A One Off Donation